Friday, 23 September 2011


Well the hair's been done and the nails manicured and more importantly, the car is packed and ready to go...
Stand number G12, hope to see some of you.
I will have many items, Period food, quirky, spooky and rustic items for you to see.

 A couple of these cheeky chappies!

 A few bread trays...

 Cheese Domes...

 Prawn Cocktails (dishes especially made for me, by GlassCraft)

 Various Cake stands...


If you buy a copy of Dollshouse and Miniature Scene magazine at the show, it will contain a voucher to be redeemed at the 'Cernit' stand...I have written a project using Cernit clay - A Witch Boot Planter and hanging basket, great for your Witch cottage!
There is also a project by me in the new Projects magazine - A Monastery Garden, so stop off at the Warners stand and pick them up.
The Monks are by my good mates... Julie of Bellabelle dolls and Mary of Mary Williams Dollsthe flagons are by Dave of Harvington Miniatures and the Pumpkin and Marrow plants are kits from Georgie Steeds of the Miniature Garden Centre.
Witch Boot Planter...

Bye for now,


  1. Wish I could be there, have a nice time!
    Love, Susanne

  2. I wish I could be there too!

    Susan and Bentley

  3. Have a successful show Mags. So disappointed I won't be there.

  4. Lovely work Mags- I love the boot planter, saw it in DHMS which was delivered yesterday.
    Hope you will be having a great fair,

  5. Great looking work Mags! I love the sea gull nicking a snack from the tray of food.

  6. It was nice to meet up with you on Sunday and to hear that you were doing so well with all your exhibits. I'm sorry we didn't get to chat longer but I wouldn't have wanted to stay in the way of potential sales!


About Me

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Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom